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Media Coverage

International Herald Tribune
Date: 13 July 2008
The agreement of a "shared vision" of halving harmful emissions by 2050, made at the Group of 8 summit meeting last week, should be welcomed ("G-8 promises to halve emissions by 2050," July 9).
New Statesman
Date: 03 July 2008
The arguments of climate sceptics have largely been moulded by a far more sinister force - the US-based conservative think tanks
The Guardian
Date: 12 June 2008
Sometimes we need to think the unthinkable, particularly when dealing with a problem as dangerous as climate change - there is no room for dogma when considering the future habitability of our planet. It was in this spirit that I and a panel of other specialists in climate, economics and policy-making met under the aegis of the Stockholm Network thinktank to map out future scenarios for how international policy might evolve...
The Observer
Date: 08 June 2008
Britain will find it 'impossible' to meet its target as part of the world`s battle to ensure temperatures do not rise more than 2C - a key threshold for dangerous climate change, according to a study by a panel of leading experts...
This article first appeared in The Observer on June 8th.
Date: 8 July 2008
SIR – The conclusion of your special report on the future of energy argued that the current approach to carbon pricing may lead to the best outcomes for the economy as well as the planet...
Date: 11 June 2008
LONDON, England (CNN) -- If climate change were a small house fire, current policy in the European Union and the United Kingdom would ensure that it would destroy not just the house but the entire suburb.
Blog posts/mentions
World Prout Assembly
Date: 27 September 2008
"WPA" I will tell you the story of Easter Island
Intro2U Blog
Date: 05 September 2008
I will tell you the story of Easter Island. It is a woeful tale, caused by human actions, and a possible scenario for us.
FREE Newsletter
Date: 13 August 2008
Date: 21 July 2008
The voices of climate change denial are fading, and with good reason...
The Optimum Population Trust Blog
Date: 25 June 2008
The need - Major economies should aim to halve world emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050 and work out ways to bury gases in a wider assault on climate change, the science academies of 13 nations said on Tuesday…
The Bolani Arcade
The environmentalist Mark Lynas published an interesting article in The Guardian where he reports on three future carbon scenarios considered by the London think tank the Stockholm Network.
Kyoto2: Carbon Scenarios
Date: 20 June 2008
By Paul Domjan and Gulya Isyanova, published by the Stockholm Network on 9 June 2008. The "Step Change" scenario investigated here is based on Kyoto2, and emerges as the most successful of the three scenarios considered as judged by both effectiveness at restraining emissions, and economic benefits.
Date: 19 June 2008
. Note: Possible future scenarios for climate change range from bleak and dysfunctional to ambitious and optimistic, but all three predict dramatic changes in the environment, the economy, and international politics, says a report by a London-based think tank.
Date: 17 June 2008
At best we will limit the extent of global warming, but Kyoto barely helps. Does humanity have the foresight to save itself?
Date: 16 June 2008
Mark Lynas is well known for his excellent book Six Degrees: Our Future on a Hotter Planet from 2007. In a recent edition of the Guardian (June 12 2008), he reports on the outcome...
Webdiary: Patron Power
Date: 16 June 2008
In a comment a few days ago, I mentioned Mark Lynas' article in the Guardian titled "Climate chaos is inevitable. We can only avert oblivion." That article refers to a new report from the Stockholm Institute, which builds scenarios for climate change based not on technical possibilities, but instead on political possibilities…
ESD Forum
Date: 15 June 2008
What will happen if.... The recent Stockholm Network publication Carbon Scenarios: Blue Sky Thinking for a Green Future was not hopeful...
Green Car Congress
Date: 15 June 2008
The Stockholm Network, a London-based pan-European think tank which also functions as a networking hub for 130 other market-driven think tanks in Europe, has released the report Carbon Scenarios: Blue Sky Thinking for a Green Future…
Renewable Energy
Date: 12 June 2008
Dangerous levels of global warming are all but inevitable if the world continues to follow current EU and UN climate change policies, according to a new study from pan-European think tank the Stockholm Network…
Date: 11 June 2008
Following existing climate change policies may lead the UK and the EU to miss their declared goal of allowing no more than 3°C of temperature warming, though they may achieve their goal of reducing emissions 20% by 2020, says a report by the Stockholm Network. According to the report, only radical policy changes—such as a global cap on carbon production—would allow countries to curb emissions and stop climate change.
Date: 10 June 2008
Both the UK and the EU are set to miss their own global climate goals if they continue to follow current policy, says a new report by leading London-based, pan- European think tank, the Stockholm Network, ahead of UN Climate Change talks in Bonn.
Date: 10 June 2008
Last night was the launch of the Stockholm Network’s Carbon Scenarios, a project I’ve contributed to over the past few months. The event was well attended and there was some good discussion afterwards; the three – slightly depressing – scenarios seem to have really struck a chord with people.
Public Service Daily
Date: 09 June 2008
The government’s plans to cut carbon emissions to the level that they will ensure the planet's temperature doesn’t go up by more than the crucial 2oC will fail, according to a new study, said to echo what experts believe privately.
Date: 09 June 2008
Dangerous levels of global warming are all but inevitable if the world continues to follow current EU and UN climate change policies, according to a new study from pan-European think tank the Stockholm Network...
Network Games blog
Date: 09 June 2008.
Lo Stockholm Network ha pubblicato un report in cui fa a pezzi la politica europea in fatto di cambiamento climatico e di decarbonizzazione.
The Global Warming Archive
Date: 08 June 2008
Efforts to help keep world temperature rises under 2C will fail, says thinktank, even if UK sticks to policy on carbon emissions
Maginal Revolution
Date: 08 June 2008
...the modelling, done by the world-renowned Hadley Centre at the Met Office but using emissions calculated by the Stockholm Network, highlighted three problems: 'Current policy comes in too slowly, it internationalises too slowly and it binds developing countries too late.'
Red de Ijsbeer
Date: 08 June 2008
Naar aanleiding van Wereldmilieudag maakte UNEP een overzichtje van 12 manieren om te komen tot een koolstofarme samenleving...
Critical opinions
Centre Right
Date: 10 June 2008
Yesterday evening I went to see the presentation of the Stockholm Network research project Carbon Scenarios.  I was, to put it mildly, horrified...